Saturday, November 23, 2013

The name of my band is “emergency earth escape plan”. I was reading the horoscopes at the and the Aquarius horoscope was: “Don't take it personally: Someone had to be the cutoff point for who does and doesn't get on the Emergency Earth-Escape Rocket.” I could picture it being the name of a hipster band, so I decided to use it. 

My first design idea was a rocket taking off, but I thought it was too literal. I wanted it to be more of a fantasy, so I changed “rocket” to “plan” and made the escape plan a rickety stack of ladders to the moon where he goes to listen to his records. It may not be a very good escape plan, but it’s his. I think its common for people who love music to immerse themselves in it to escape from the world from time to time, so I think this design is something that its intended audience will identify with. 

I might add some clouds above the band name. I didn’t like how they looked in the sketch so I took them out, but I think I’ll try adding some to the final design to see how they look.

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