Thursday, January 16, 2014

I removed the blue bands from my original design to make the design less busy. For the photo on the front cover I used the clone stamp tool and paint brush to remove the “Lark Tavern” part of the photo and replaced it with “Son Volt”. I distressed the type and free transformed it to make it blend in with the photo. I used HDR toning and desaturation to make the photo look more interesting. I also added a camera flare to look like the sun coming over the top of the building. For the back cover, I used gaussian blur and soft light to make the photo glow a bit, then added a mask to bring some of the detail back into the tree line. I also made a logo for the fictional publisher in Illustrator. I altered the photographs and distressed the type in Photoshop, then put all the elements together in InDesign. 

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